While the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the United Kingdom government traded blows over who was to blame for the cuts outlined at the BBC World Service recently, the global impact of the biggest single change in the broadcaster's 79- year history was only just beginning to sink in .
The axing of the five foreign language services and wholesale retreat from shortwave radio - including the end of broadcasts to India, Russia and China - will lead to the loss of more than 30 million listeners, a sixth of the world Service's global audience of 180 million the BBC estimates. The five language services being shut down Portuguese for Africa, Caribbean English , Macedonian, Serbian and Albanian - have a combined audience of 3.4 million.
The changes mean that the World Service is likely to be overtaken by the Voice of America, established in 1942 and funded by the United States government, as the world's leading global news broadcaster.
The scaling back follows a 16 per cent cut in the world service's funding by the Foreign Office, with the BBC looking to make 46 million Euro of savings a year by 2014.
It's loss will be keenly felt.
thanks for sharing this info !!!!!
wat has happened 2 BBC...why do dey want 2 end der dominance!!
They just don't care any more........and i guess the youth does not take BBC as seriously as old did
yup maybe tats the thing!!
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